Description: This file represents the City of Charlottesville's digital bicycle rack layer in a point format. The information contained in this file is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description.” Any errors or omissions should be reported to NDS for correction.
Description: This file represents the City of Charlottesville's digital bicycle lane layer in a polyline format.The information contained in this file is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description.” Any errors or omissions should be reported to NDS for correction.
Description: This file represents the City of Charlottesville's digital City boundary (City limits) layer in a closed polygon format.The information contained in this file is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description.” Any errors or omissions should be reported to NDS for correction.
Description: This file represents the digital railroad centerline segment layer. Location data for railroad centerlines are received by NDS staff (from various sources, such as updated orthos, GPS, plats, etc.) and incorporated into this layer. The information contained in this file is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description." Any errors or omissions should be reported to NDS for correction.
Description: TYPEPipe material- AC: Asbestos Cement- CMP: Corrugated Metal Pipe - CP: Concrete Pipe - DIP: Ductile Iron Pipe - HDPE: High-density Polyethylene- Other: Pipe material not included in list - PVC: Polyvinyl chloride- RCP: Reinforced Concrete Pipe- VC: Vitrified ClayDIAMETERDiameter of pipe in inchesCATEGORYCondition of storm structurePRIVATE LINEIs the line owned by the city or a private party.NOTESNote section for pipeGPS_DATEDate of most recent location data taken with GPS unitPIPEIDReference name for pipe. Pipe naming structure is between two stormwater structures. Two digit alpha prefix refers to basin abbreviation. Three digit numeric suffix refers to unique position with the basin. If the three digit numeric suffix is '000' there is no structure at the end of the pipe. If PIPEID has a three digit alpha prefix ending in 'P' the pipe does not have a structure on either side.CIPPIdentifies if a pipe has been lined. CIPP stands for "Cured in place pipe"CIPP_DATEDate lining was placedCCTVIdentifies if pipe condition has been recorded on video.CCTV_DATEDate of pipe video recording.